FASHION FORUM - VARNA, will have the pleasure and honour to welcome and be honoured by special guests at a high professional level, each proven in their field.

President of the Edirne Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Women Entrepreneurs - 4 consecutive terms.
Chairman of the Disciplinary Council of the Commodity Exchange in Edirne.
Head of the Turkish delegation in the ABC Council of Women Entrepreneurs.
Winner of an award plaque for his public activity, personally presented by the wife of the PRESIDENT of the Republic of Turkey.
A lady, a woman, a person with high recognition and a public position, winner of awards for entrepreneurship, who successfully develops and contributes to the Bulgarian-Turkish commercial and friendly relations.

"In the quiet hours of the night, a unique sleep unfolds, wrapped in the embrace of luxurious bed linen, our living spaces are transformed into oases of peace and dreams."
Christian Fischbacher has been designing luxury textiles for over 200 years. The Swiss family business based in St. Gallen is a global supplier of the finest bedding, home accessories, rugs, towels, blankets, pillows, and furnishing materials.
Christian Fischbacher is cosmopolitan and draws inspiration from a wide variety of cultures. The in-house design team is always on the lookout for the latest trends, discovering new materials, colours, combinations and designs around the world. The team firmly believes that a beautiful, stylish home creates joy in life.
Swiss luxury
Beauty and creativity
Lifetime warranty

Advisor stylist, mentor on classic masculine elegance, fashion critic, and influencer of gents. Elegant to perfection with a suit, hat, leather bag and shoes as a small fortune. The tie is matched with a handkerchief and with his overall outfit. He wears a lot of characters - a few bracelets and the hat has a band with little playing cards. The three characters' brooch on the lapel - welcoming with heart, judging with wisdom glasses and inspiring with the light within.
Thierry works with many brands and presents their clothes and accessories. He chooses the combinations personally. As an influencer and living mannequin, he puts the spotlight on the work of the brands he works with. He looks stylish, attracts attention and inspires. He has inherited the culture of elegant dress from the Congo. He has dabbled in music, playing in a band and writing poetry and songs. He speaks a high level of refined French. MA in French Literature, PhD in Sociolinguistics and Didactics - his passion for refined language and literature also led him to dress culture. This became his profession, as he advised his clients personally and organized courses on matching clothes and accessories. He advises influential people - bankers, politicians, MPs, businessmen.
More in Lilia Ilieva's interview with Thierry Mouele...

Mr Massimo Maltese
Massimo Maltese is President of Miami Fashion Event (a fashion event in Miami, Florida, USA) and Senior Producent of New York Fashion Week, USA.
Aesthete, fashion guru, art critic, fashion critic.
He graduated from the University of Catania with a degree in History of Art. Massimo then ventured into the fashion world, where he collaborated his academic training with the fashion world.
Massimo is a personality that inspires and unites with his high professionalism and creativity. Under his leadership, audiences are treated to the stunning scenes with which Miami and New York Fashion Weeks welcome designers, guests and audiences each year.
Varna Fashion Forum has the honour and pleasure of welcoming Mr. Massimo Maltese on the days of the fashion shows.

Andriyana Koleva is a career diplomat.
She is an accredited Trade and Economic Affairs Counsellor at the Bulgarian Diplomatic Representation in Italy. She participates in joint initiatives of the chambers of commerce of both countries, supports and organizes commercial and industrial relations events, bilateral friendly relations, educational events for Bulgarian children, and promotion of Bulgaria, its famous Bulgarian artists and entrepreneurs in Italy.
Andriyana Koleva has a doctorate in "Energy Security", and a master's degree in "Finance". She has done many specializations and qualifications in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland.
She speaks five languages and has numerous initiatives in Italy. She enjoys golf, hunting, sommelier, travel, history, and interior design.
Undoubtedly, Andriana Koleva is also a big fan of Nelly Anastasova and her shows with fashion collections in Milan, Italy.

FASHION FORUM - VARNA is excited to announce that we will have the pleasure of welcoming and being honoured by
Mr Krasimir Mitev
Mr. Krasimir Mitev is a renowned Bulgarian artist who lives and works in Barcelona, Spain. He is set to showcase an exhibition of his paintings.
During the event, the sale of paintings will directly benefit the cause as Mr. Mitev pledges a portion of the proceeds to support our mission.
* The artist personally provides photos of paintings on the site.

FASHION FORUM - VARNA is excited to announce that we will have the pleasure of welcoming and being honoured by
Bilyana Georgieva is the creator and owner of the prestigious business media
She is an entrepreneur with extensive experience and expertise in various business fields, and over the years she has built her image as a successful business lady. Despite the highly competitive environment in the media space in Bulgaria, Bilyana Georgieva finds a suitable niche in 2020 as well. creates the innovative media Lider.BG is a publication for business, economics, management and new technologies with a creative approach to media communication, PR and advertising for companies in the Bulgarian market.
Lider.BG is a source of quality content, valuable publications and business lessons. The media emphasizes the Bulgarian, corporate social responsibility, culture, education and prosperity. This year, the media has been awarded the "Fastest Growing Media" at the International Prestigious Awards.

FASHION FORUM - VARNA is excited to announce that we will have the pleasure of welcoming and being honoured by
Доц. д-р Капка Манасиева е ръководител на катедра „Изкуства“ във Варненския свободен университет „Черноризец Храбър“. С впечатляващия си опит, тя е ключова фигура в развитието на специалност „Моден дизайн“. Нейната научна дейност обхваща изследването на процесите в модата и креативните индустрии, както и управлението на дизайна като продукт и процес.
Доц. Манасиева ръководи множество художествено-творчески проекти и дипломни работи, като същевременно участва активно в международни преподавателски мобилности в Европа. Член е на Научно-техническия съюз по текстил, облекло и кожи. Автор е на повече от 30 публикации и монографичния труд „Модата – индустриален фокус”. Тя е водещ преподавател в серия лекционни курсове в бакалавърски и магистърски програми.
Специалност „МОДЕН ДИЗАЙН“
Специалност „Моден дизайн“ на Варненският свободен университет „Черноризец Храбър“ е първата по рода си в България и вече 30 години е една от най-креативните програми на висшето училище. С нея бяха поставени основите на модното образование в страната. Днес продължава да развива най-новите образователни и творчески практики в областта на изкуствата, творческите индустрии и модата. Специалността е съчетание от традиция, майсторство и иновация, като свързва устойчивостта с водещите модни тенденции. Насърчава се уникалния творчески почерк на младите дизайнери, като им се предоставят конкурентни възможности да развият своя потенциал и да се реализират професионално навсякъде по света.

Вече три десетилетия бакалаври и магистри, възпитаници на специалност „Моден дизайн“ на ВСУ „Черноризец Храбър“, творят и създават красота!
С признатата в Европа диплома и солидна академична подготовка, завършилите специалността намират своето място като дизайнери, успешни стилисти, модни консултанти и маркетинг специалисти във водещи световни модни компании.
Специалността е съчетание от традиция, майсторство и иновация, свързва устойчивостта с водещите модни тенденции, насърчава уникалния творчески почерк на младите дизайнери, като им предоставя конкурентни възможности да развият своя потенциал и да се реализират професионално навсякъде по света.

Д-р Мухамед Йозтюрк
Д-р Мухамед Йозтюрк (Dr. Muhammed Öztürk) е известен лекар в Одрин, Република Турция, със собствена клиника по медицинска естетика. Той е завършил медицинския факултет на Университета в Тракия. Работил е като лекар в различни здравни звена в региона на Тракия в продължение на 15 години. Има магистърска степен по болничен и здравен мениджмънт в Университета Бейкент. През 2011 година работи като заместник-директор по здравеопазването в провинция Къркларели. До 2023 г. заема длъжности като главен лекар, ръководител на отдел „Финансови услуги“ и „Управление на персонала“ в няколко болници в Къркларели. Провежда обучение в областта на здравното право и успешно завършва програми на Министерство на здравеопазването за обучение по медицинска естетика и традиционна допълваща медицина.
Днес д-р Йозтюрк е собственик на клиника по медицинска естетика и управление на стареенето в Одрин, Република Турция. В клиниката се предлагат допълнителни услуги като озонотерапия, пролотерапия, мезотерапия, терапия на еректилната дисфункция и биорезонансна терапия.
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